Maximizing Impact & Longevity of Outdoor Signage

At Impression Signs we pride ourselves in building quality custom signage that captures our clients’ visions and meets their unique needs. We also understand the importance of attention to detail from conception to completion and throughout a sign’s life. In this post, we’ll walk you through the life cycle of one of our products–the outdoor sign.

Before you order an outdoor sign, here are some important questions to ask so you can walk away with the perfect sign for your situation. 

  • What is the purpose of my outdoor sign?
  • How long do I plan to keep my outdoor sign up? 
  • Whose attention am I trying to attract with my outdoor sign? 
  • What kinds of weather will my outdoor sign be exposed to?
  • Is it important to me to be able to move my outdoor sign around? 
  • Do I plan to take my outdoor sign down, store it, and put it back up later?

Now, with these answers in mind, let’s dive into some outdoor sign options.

Choosing the outdoor sign that’s right for you

When you think of outdoor signs, what do you think of? More than likely, you picture a corrugated plastic sign with thin metal stakes that stick into the ground. They’re inexpensive and easy to customize in whatever shape and colors you envision. These signs are lightweight, water-resistant, and easy to install and move around outdoors. With proper care, coroplast (corrugated + plastic) signs can possibly last 1-2 years, weather-dependent, of course. Coroplast signs commonly advertise political candidates, causes, rummage and estate sales, “For Rent” opportunities, neighborhood services, and even newly opened businesses. 

Aluminum yard signs are also a popular choice. For example, real estate signs are often designed on aluminum panels adjoined to metal stakes, making them easy to install and remove. Aluminum signs are lightweight and long-lasting. In fact, with proper care, they can last 3-5 years. They’re not prone to rust and they’re waterproof. Just like coroplast signs, aluminum signs can also be cut into any shape. 

For people looking for an outdoor sign that’s more durable or longer lasting, a site sign is another great option. Site signs are beefier than traditional yard signs and have posts that can be dug into the ground and backfilled. These semi-permanent signs are also known as “post and panel” signs and are an excellent choice for more long-term needs. You generally see site signs on construction sites and in front of buildings or land “For Lease, ” apartment and townhome complexes, office parks or businesses.

Although they’re not secured to the ground by stakes or posts, A-frame sandwich board signs are another sub-category of outdoor signage. You’ll usually find sandwich board or A-frame signage on sidewalks outside of shops or restaurants, luring in passersby with current sales or special offers. And, because they sit on top of the ground and fold flat they’re easy to move around and store.

Directional signs are yet another type of outdoor sign, commonly spotted at special events. Typically made from PVC or coroplast, these signs help guests navigate music festival grounds, find stations at golf outings or fairs and help show people where to park or find things at outdoor events. Directional signage usually has arrows on them or can be cut into the shape of one.

Vinyl banners displayed between posts in the ground is also an effective way to communicate your message outdoors. Banners are also easy to clean, roll up, store and a great affordable option for budget-conscious consumers.

At this point, hopefully you have a good idea of what kind of outdoor sign is right for you in order to drive the greatest impact. If not that’s ok too. We’ve compiled more helpful tips that might help you make a decision and think about its design.

Outdoor signage tips:

  • Keep your message clear and straightforward. 
  • Choose large fonts and bold or high-contrast colors to ensure visibility. 
  • Choose a material durable enough to withstand the length of time it needs to be up and exposed to the elements.
  • Make sure your outdoor sign is legible enough from where your audience will view it. If you’re trying to attract the attention of people driving by, choose a larger font and fewer words to make sure your sign can be read from a greater distance and in a shorter period of time. If you’re trying to attract pedestrians, feel free to use a smaller font and a few more words. Maybe you even write something funny or witty to make your sign more memorable.

Outdoor signage maintenance tips:

You can choose the perfect outdoor sign for your situation and design it thoughtfully but if you neglect proper maintenance you won’t get as great of longevity out of your investment. Here are some pro tips to keep in mind after you purchase an outdoor sign.

  • Wipe down your sign regularly to maintain its bold, bright, and eye-catching appearance and scrub off any stains with soap and water.
  • If your sign can be removed, store it in a cool, dry place when not in use to help prevent fading, cracking or warping.
  • Repair any damage right away before it can get worse. This can extend the life of your sign and delay future replacements. If you can’t repair the damage yourself, reach out to signage professionals.

Recycle or upcycle old outdoor signs

On occasion, signs can be damaged beyond repair. This can happen from gusty winds, hail, snowplows or other outside forces. A sign may also reach the end of its life when it has fulfilled its purpose and is no longer needed. Instead of tossing it into your garbage, you can sometimes disassemble and recycle some plastic and metal signs. If you’re unsure if it can be recycled check with your local municipality or sign shop to confirm first.

Some old signs can also be upcycled, by using them as protective backdrops while spray painting or making makeshift tables between sawhorses if needed for small house projects. If you have creative ways you’ve upcycled your old outdoor signs we’d love to hear ‘em.

And, next time you’re in the market for an outdoor sign, we’d love to help. Consider Impression Signs and Graphics a reliable, experienced and friendly go-to for all your outdoor sign solutions. Contact us today to get started.

Crafting a Lasting Impression: The Importance of Quality Cabinet Signs

 Illuminated Cabinet Sign for Eastside Family Laundromat

Among a sea of businesses clamoring for attention, well-planned, quality cabinet signage can help you stand out driving traffic to your door, your social channels and keeping you top-of-mind for the future. 

These highly versatile signs are not only popular but highly recommended. If you’re not already familiar with this type of signage, let’s take a look at what cabinet signs are, the advantages of having one and how a quality cabinet sign make your business a success. 

What is a cabinet sign? 

Illuminated Cabinet Sign for Hermann Insurance Services

Just like it sounds, a cabinet sign is one that is housed in a metal frame or cabinet. The cabinet also houses the LED lights, so all electrical components are protected from the elements. Cabinet signs are usually covered in acrylic, polycarbonate, or other flexible material and overlaid with premium cut or digitally printed vinyl lettering and graphics. 

Unlit cabinet signs, also known as pan signs, are another excellent option. Because they don’t contain an electrical component, they are more economical than their LED-lit counterparts. When deciding whether to go with a cabinet or pan sign, consider what type of business you operate, your location, and your business hours. 

What are the advantages of cabinet signs? 

Cabinet sign – Rhythm & Shoes Dance Studio

One of the most popular choices for indoor and outdoor signage, cabinet signs offer a myriad of advantages over other signage solutions.

Cabinet signs are cost-effective.

Because of their straightforward construction and quick turnaround time, cabinet signs are an affordable choice for any business. The cost of fabrication doesn’t vary greatly from one design to the next, so businesses with particularly long names or complicated logos will notice the cost savings of a cabinet sign compared to other signage options. 

Cabinet signs are durable.

As already mentioned, the LED lights and electrical components of a cabinet sign are housed within the frame and covered by a protective acrylic or polycarbonate material. This means the “guts” of your sign are well-protected from extreme temperature fluctuations, high winds, snow, sleet and whatever other elements Mother Nature sends your way. And, while cabinet signs are durable they are not indestructible. To help extend the life of your signage investment, inspect your sign closely after severe weather and stay on top of even small repairs.

Cabinet signs are highly customizable.

Channel Letters and Cabinet Sign (bottom) – Energy Pilates

Remember those long business names and complex logos we were just talking about? Cabinet signs are champs at accommodating any words or images you can envision. The signs themselves can even be designed in custom shapes that reflect your logo or what you offer. Now that’s thinking outside the box.

Cabinet signs are highly visible.

LED-lit outdoor cabinet signage is highly visible day or night, which means plenty of exposure and a great return on your investment. Plus, your company’s logo and colors will pop even more in front of the LED lights, further enhancing your branding and creating a memorable and lasting impression. 

Cabinet signs are efficient.

Compared to their signage counterparts, cabinet signs are created relatively quickly, and they’re easy to install. This means a shorter time between fabrication and implementation.

Quality cabinet signs for various industries

Cabinet sign – Old World Pizza

Are you opening a business, rebranding, or thinking about ways to increase visibility and foot traffic? Consider the many benefits of cabinet signage. This eye-catching and economical option could be the perfect choice to help you launch or grow your business and offers a high return on investment.

If you want beautiful signage that will stand the test of time, working with a reputable signage company is imperative. At Impression Signs, we combine quality and experience for custom products that make your business stand out from the crowd. Contact us to get started.

Revitalize Your Brand & Be Seen with Easy Innovative Signage

Sometimes rebrands are helpful, like when companies merge, deal with negative publicity, or just want to drive certain business goals. If you’ve ever thought about a brand refresh for your business, you’re in the right place. We’ll walk you through various smart and easy ways you can get started on one for yourself. 

The Benefits of a Brand Refresh

Staying up to date on what’s working for your business as well as what’s trending can be beneficial. Sometimes speaking about or displaying products or services in a new way may help you sell them more easily, and that is when shifting your messaging or look and feel may make sense.

Here are several scenarios where brand refreshes can be helpful:

  • To stand out from the competition. If your business exists in a highly competitive market, you may start to feel the squeeze. Refreshing your brand will help you distinguish your culture or offerings from those of your competitors. For example, let’s say you own a small microbrewery that offers a variety of craft beers. However, more microbreweries seem to be popping up and saturating your local market, and business has plateaued. Refreshing your brand and signage with a new look and feel or starting a social media campaign with a fun new slogan that puts your company culture on full display may help you keep your edge. Is your brewery fun and welcoming? Or more down home and country? Turn your vibe up and invite people to engage more with your unique brand and community. From there, if you create brand loyalists or fans, you’ll practically have unpaid brand ambassadors shouting from the rooftops how great you are without having to do it yourself.
  • To expand your audience. Even if your company has been around for decades and your product or service is essentially the same, the culture you exist in most likely has changed. The generation who got on board with your brand decades ago may still be loyal customers, but you may also want to be thinking about capturing the next generation as well to continue finding revenue for your business. Refreshing your brand can be an effective way to capture the attention of an entirely different audience who may benefit from what you have to offer but who don’t currently connect with your messaging at the moment. 
  • To increase perceived value. If you want to attract clients with greater disposable income, you may consider updating your own logo and look, and pushing messaging that is more premium or speaks to your specific audience. For example, if you own a clothing store, you could update your logo to look more modern and sleek and give your signage more of a boutique flair. You could also start a VIP club where customers who spend a certain dollar amount every six months receive a special invitation to pre-shop new inventory. 

General Marketing Ideas for Your Brand Refresh

Now that we’ve discussed some scenarios where a brand refresh may be warranted and you’re starting to see how your business may benefit, let’s take a quick look at a few other helpful marketing areas where you’ll also want to update your brand.

Email marketing: Don’t underestimate the power of email. It’s the most direct way to connect with your current customers and the easiest way to stay top of mind with them. It’s also the perfect avenue to them on any changes you’re implementing. Maybe you own a small clinic, and you’re updating your storefront and lobby signage. Or perhaps your tradeshow booth will have a slightly different look at the upcoming health and wellness fair this year. Communicate this to your customers through an email newsletter and explain why you’re making these changes. It will help foster trust and keep your current customers engaged with your business.

Social media: There couldn’t be a better way to promote brand engagement than with social media. It’s a great way to not only get in front of loyal customers, but also get the attention of prospects with your new look. Because of its engaging format, social media marketing is also an effective tool for finding out what your customers are looking for from products or services in your industry. Throw out questions that invite discussion or create polls to learn more about your audience’s preferences. This could also even help you with your brand update if you’re doing research prior to actually changing your look or logo.

Content strategy: Create a plan to elevate your brand and your word choice across all marketing and content endeavors. Find new ways to say things that resonate with your unique audience rather than just using the same descriptors like, “good” or “great”. Use an active voice to help your customers and prospects not only join the conversation but help them envision themselves using your products or services.

SEO strategy: SEO or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your written web-based content to have it appear higher in search results. Take the time to research keywords that pertain to your products or services and devise a strategy to rank for them. An effective SEO strategy is important on your website, in your blog posts, on white papers, etc. All comprehensive content strategies should encompass an SEO strategy that aligns with not just your target audience but with your new look and feel.  

Now for the Good Stuff: Signage Strategies for Your Brand Refresh

Fleet vehicle graphics, window decals and exterior signage for Nitti Sanitation, Inc.

One of the most important aspects of a brand refreshment is a signage strategy. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, signage is the most front-and-center way to advertise your business.

When it comes to outdoor signage there’s a wide variety of signs that can help you effectively advertise your business and take it to the next level. A few examples include:

  • Banners: With spring just around the corner, it won’t be long before we’re sitting in the bleachers at the little league field again. Take advantage of a rotating captive audience with professional banners on the outfield fence. Remember, the more frequently people encounter your brand, the more likely they are to remember your business when they need what you offer. Work with a trusted signage company that will use high-quality materials and help you determine the proper size and placement of your banner so your advertisement will drive the maximum impact all season long. 
  • Directional or Wayfinding Signage: Whether it’s a banner, flag, or display stand, directional signage is all about being in the right place at the right time. Banners and flags help attract attention to your booth or your business and direct people there. They essentially announce, “We’re over here! Come and check us out!” They provide visibility in a crowded space. Display stands can come in many forms, including sign stakes and sandwich boards. But, even with the highly functional nature of directional signage, it’s important to remember to try to maintain a consistent brand image with colors, logos, and verbiage. 
  • Vehicle Wraps: These are your mobile brand ambassadors. Whereas banners and directional signage are stationary, vehicle wraps are a moving billboard that announce your brand locally and beyond! Vehicle wraps are an intricate product, but when they’re designed, printed, and applied by an experienced signage company, there’s no limit to their impact. When you design your vehicle wrap, consider how detailed or simple you want it to be. If you’re sitting in stop-and-go traffic regularly, or a parking lot most of the time, a more detailed wrap could be a good option since people will have ample time to read and absorb your advertising. However, if you’re generally on the road, you’ll want something simple and eye-catching with a message that pops!
Vehicle Wrap for Merit Appliance Repair

And, now for indoor signage. The purpose of indoor signage can vary greatly. If you want to revitalize your brand with fresh indoor signage, here are some types to consider:

Dimensional signage: Standing out from the crowd should always be a priority. One extremely effective way to do this is with dimensional signage. While the price may be a bit higher than vinyl (flat) signage, you’ll reap the benefits by grabbing your prospect’s  attention and communicating that you’re a business that goes the extra mile. This easily translates in people’s minds to all areas of your business—both customer-facing and behind the scenes.

Hanging signs: When you only have a split second to capture attention in a crowd, hanging signs are a great choice as part of your overall signage strategy. They take advantage of often blank vertical space and literally “elevate” your signage game. They can increase your exposure and maximize your visibility, even from a great distance. They are also eye-catching in a crowded environment where most of your horizontal visual field is busy and full. Want to step it up even more? Add LED lighting or motorized features to your hanging signage to really pack a punch.

Banner Sign for Sovereign Auto Salon

Wall Graphics or Wall Murals: These can run the gamut from custom decal logos to entire-wall murals and everything in between. They’re a highly customizable way to showcase your brand’s messaging and company culture. While wall graphics or decals are generally made from adhesive vinyl, they’re also available in a removable format, allowing you to change them throughout the year. If you’re looking for a way to breathe more life into your office space at a modest price, wall decals are an impactful option.

Chet’s Shoes Wall Mural

Are you ready to refresh your brand? Impression Signs knows good signage and brand strategy and has an expert team ready to help you get started. Contact us here to get started on your project.

How To Install Your Banner 

Inver Grove Heights “Hockey Day” Banner 

Banners provide great value for any business. They’re flexible, durable, and extremely cost effective when compared to other types of signage. If you’re wondering where or how to install your banner, we’ve got the details on how to hang it so it makes a great impression. 

What Is a Banner? 

Banners are long strips of material featuring a business name, event, or other information. Unlike traditional signs, they’re flexible, rollable and easy to transport or install.

Banners can be used both indoors or out, vertically, horizontally, or as free-standing signs. Commonly used to announce a sale, grand opening, or even help people find their way there are lots of types of banners including:

  • Short-term and temporary banners
  • Long-term heavy-duty vinyl banners
  • Mesh banners for fences and construction job sites
  • Retractable and trade show banners

If you’ve ordered a banner from Impression Signs and still have questions about where or how to best install it, we’ve got you covered below.

Where To Hang My Banner? “Coming Soon” Construction Banner
  • On a wall: One of the best ways to hang a banner is on a flat wall to keep it steady and stable. If you’re planning to hang your banner on a wall, velcro strips along the edges make a great temporary hanging method, while hooks and screws provide a more permanent solution. 
  • In between posts: Suspending or hanging a banner between posts is another common display method. You can hang a banner this way using rope, zip ties, or screws to secure it to the posts. 
  • From an awning or ceiling: Banners are often hung from somewhere high using rope or string. Stringing a rope or string through grommets will keep your banner the most secure if you choose to hang it from an awning. If you’re hanging it from a ceiling, make sure you’ve also attached hooks to the ceiling to use. 
  • On a fence: Fences provide a nice, mostly flat, supportive surface for a banner to be secured to. The method of attachment will depend on the type of fence: Banners can be secured to chain link fences using grommets and zip ties or hanging clips; wooden fences can support banners utilizing rope, grommets or pole pockets (pole pockets are hemmed in or sealed areas where the material makes a loop, like the top of a curtain). If you require pole pockets, this is something to ask for when ordering, as more material may be needed to create them. 
  • From a table: A banner can be attached to a table by securing the grommeted corners to each corner of the table or legs so that it hangs down in front. If your banner has pole pockets, rope or string can be fed through them to secure the banner to the table as well.

        Installation Methods for Banners

        “Camo Classic” Golf Sponsorship Vinyl Banner

        Installing a Banner Using Poles

        To install your banner using poles, your banner must have pole pockets. Simply slide a pole through the pole pockets, sometimes you will also need to secure the pole’s ends so that the banner hangs from it, if it is not taught enough. Alternatively, you may opt for a frame that will support the banner as well. 

        Installing a Banner Using Bungee Cords 

        You can also hook through a grommet with a bungee cord. Bungees can be used to fasten banners to fences, tables, and a variety of other surfaces. They stretch, keeping a constant tension on your banner, making it lay flat and easy to read. To secure your banner using bungee cords, simply hook the end of the bungee cord through a grommet and then hook the other end to the surface you want to attach it to and continue to do for each corner. 

        Installing a Banner Using Rope 

        There are a couple ways you can secure a banner using rope. You can use a rope to tie each grommet hole down or you can install guide ropes ac ross a space in order to suspend the banner from above. If you chose to tie the grommets of your banner, slip knots are an ideal knot to use because they allow the rope’s tension to be tightened without coming undone. You may also choose to thread rope through the banner’s pole pockets to suspend it from two anchor points.

        Installing a Banner Using Zip Ties  

        Zip ties are perfect for installing banners to a chain link fence or any other surface that features numerous holes or hollows that allow zip ties to slip through. To install, loosely apply zip ties to the top grommet holes and through the appropriate hollows. Once the top grommets are secured, do the same for the lower grommets. Then tighten each zip tie to ensure that the banner is secured evenly. 

        Installing a Banner Using Hanging Clips 

        Hanging clips (also known as carabiners) can be easily clipped through grommets, which can then clip to hollows, anchor points, or other objects. Like zip ties, hanging clips allow for easy installation to chain link fences or any other surface that features numerous holes or hollows that allow the hanging clips to fit through. 

        Installing a Banner Using Suction Cups

        If you’d like to use your banner as a window display, suction cups with protruding hooks are a great method of installation. To install, first make sure your window or surface is clean and dry. Then attach the suction cups to the window evenly (you’ll want to measure the length of your banner first and match this to the distance between suction cups). Line up each hook to your banner’s grommets and hang your banner. 

        Installing a Banner Using Velcro Strips

        If you want to attach your banner to a wall but don’t want to drill holes, velcro strips are a great temporary alternative. Velcro consists of two sides: an adhesive side and a velcro side. To secure your banner, simply attach one side to the wall, and one to a back corner of your banner and do the same for all four corners or edges. When you want to display your banner, simply attach each of the velcro strips together. 

        Installing a Banner Using Screws

        If you’re looking to hang your banner up for a long amount of time, you can secure your banner to a surface permanently using a drill, screws, and washers. Before you drill, ask two people to assist you in positioning the banner. Mark a spot on your surface through each grommet, in the center of the circle. When you remove the banner, drill a hole into each mark (just make sure your drill bit is capable of drilling a hole into your chosen surface). When you’re finished drilling, line up the banner as you did before and insert screws with washers into each hole or grommet to further secure your banner to the surface. 

        “Oakdale Develops” Promotional Vinyl Banner

        Ready to Make an Impression? 

        No matter which method of installation you choose, the first step to making a great impression with your banner sign is choosing a great design. If you haven’t already ordered with us, please know we are happy to help you get started. Impression Signs and Graphics can help design your organization’s banner to ensure that your message stands out. Contact Impression Signs here to get your banner started.

        Reference glossary:

         A pole pocket is when the banner is folded over on itself and sewn to create a pocket that’s open on one or both ends. These pockets make for easy installation using either poles that fit into each pocket to support the banner, or using a rope that can thread through the pockets to hang the banner. 

        Grommets are hollow metal rings inserted along the edges and corners of a banner designed to make it easy to hang the banner. Grommets reinforce the hole and allow for hanging without tearing. You can either thread or hook a variety of materials through these grommets to hang your banner.

        Letter Sizing in Signage & Why It Matters

        One of the most important aspects of business signage is letter sizing. A sign can have the most creative and interesting design in the world, but if the letters aren’t sized right, it simply won’t be readable. That’s why it’s important to determine the appropriate letter size to ensure your sign’s message is clear and easy for prospective customers to read.

        However, it can be difficult to choose the perfect letter size for your signs without a strategy or formula. To help you out, we at Impression Signs and Graphics have created this quick guide — including a helpful formula — to help you determine the perfect letter size for your business’s signage.

        The Impact of Signage on Your Business

        If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’ll know that we firmly believe in the power of effective signage to help businesses boost their bottom lines. Great signage can help achieve this by:

        • Creating a strong first impression
        • Reinforcing a brand’s identity
        • Conveying key messages
        • Increasing foot traffic and ultimately sales 

        If effective signage can do all of this, then you can see why it’s important that your sign be as clear and readable as possible — and that clarity must also extend to proper letter sizing.

        The Role of Letter Sizing in Signage

        Dimensional Lobby Letters at Rise Capital in Forest Lake, MN

        The size of your lettering can determine whether your message is delivered to your target audience or ignored entirely, so it’s important to get it right. 

        The major factor that’s going to determine the size of your letters is going to be the distance between your sign and the reader. In general, the further the distance, the larger your letters should be; the shorter the distance, the smaller your letters should be. 

        While the reasoning behind avoiding letters that are too small are obvious, you don’t want to go too large, either — overly-large letter sizing in business signage can look awkward at best, and at worst, obnoxious. Finding the appropriate letter size will attract the right attention to your business in a way that looks both professional and appropriate. 

        Formula to Determine Letter Size

        Here’s a good rule of thumb to follow when deciding the size of your lettering for a sign that’s in-store or meant to target foot-traffic

        For every 10 feet between the reader and your sign, add 1” of height to the total height of your letters.

        For example, most people can easily read 1” tall letters from a 10 ft distance. However, for a 40 ft distance, you’ll need letters that are at least 4” for optimal readability. 

        However, if your sign is by the roadside and meant to target people traveling in vehicles, here’s a more in-depth formula that can help you determine the perfect letter size for your sign: 

        Letter Height (in inches) = (Traffic Lanes x 10 + Sign Distance in ft) / 5 

        Here’s a quick example to help you understand the formula better.

        4 lane roadway
        Sign distance is 40 feet from the curb
        LH = (4 x 10 + 40) / 5 = 16

        In this example, the letter height should be around 16 inches.

        Readability and Visibility: Additional Considerations

        Font Type 

        If your goal is maximum readability and visibility for your sign’s message, Serif or Sans Serif fonts are going to be your safest bet. They’re the most traditional and straightforward fonts and very easy to read. If you do choose to use more decorative or script fonts on your sign, make sure that the letter height is adjusted to increase visibility. 

        Font Color

        For greatest visibility of letters, use colors that contrast with the background color of your sign. For example, a darker letter on a light-colored background and vice versa. If you need help figuring out which colors will contrast the most with your chosen background color, consult a color wheel and choose the color directly opposite from it. 

        Reading Time

        When determining the size of your letters, consider the average time a reader will take to read your sign. For example, a person driving down a highway will have less time to read therefore, your sign’s lettering should be larger. A person browsing your store however, has more time to read and therefore smaller lettering would be fine. 

        Sign Placement

        Wherever you choose to place your sign make sure that it’s easily visible. That means that it’s well lit, at an appropriate height and free of any obstructions, including products and displays if your sign is in-store, and trees and vegetation if your sign is outside or by the road. 

        Need Help Designing The Perfect Sign For Your Business? 

        Choosing the perfect letter size for your business sign is an important decision that can make or break the effectiveness of your signage. By using the above formula and considering factors such as viewing distance, reading time and placement, you can make sure your signage gets the message across. If you’d like professional help designing your dream sign, give Impression Signs and Graphics a call at 651.328.6600 or email us today. We’d be happy to help. 

        Signage 101: The Psychology Behind a Good Sign

        In its most basic form, signage is a type of communication. And, just as good communication hinges on human psychology, so too does the effectiveness of your signage. 

        So what does that mean for your business? Basically, if you want to create an effective sign it’s important to spend some time understanding how people think and prioritize that over your brand in some cases.

        The 4 Elements of Effective Sign Design

        A well-received sign can bring a multitude of benefits for a business. It can draw new people into your brick and mortar, encourage impulse purchases and even enhance your reputation (In a study conducted by FedEx Office, about 68% of consumers believe that a business’ signage reflects the quality of its products or services). 

        So, how can you leverage human psychology to help you harness all these benefits? Let’s take a look at all the elements of effective sign design, how they tie into psychology and how you can use them to your advantage below.


        First, let’s talk about the concept for your sign: What kind of advertising appeal are you using? 

        Advertising appeals are different techniques and strategies that are used to attract customers by appealing to a part of their psychology. While there are many different types of appeals out there, here are a few common ones:

        • Ethical appeal: Appealing to the consumer’s moral code
        • Logical appeal: Appealing to the consumer’s rationality
        • Emotional appeal: Appealing to the consumer’s feelings 

        Usually, advertising appeals try to provoke an emotional response to persuade viewers to take an action, like buying a product or service. 

        For example, a non-profit might create a billboard that asks people to donate. Its message might imply that a person would be doing a good deed by donating. This approach would be classified as an ethical appeal.

        A logical appeal, for the same non-profit, might describe a tax write off that donors could benefit from and an emotional appeal might tug on viewers heart strings by showing a picture of a sad puppy (if the hypothetical nonprofit was an animal rescue organization).

        Look at the concept for your sign and ask yourself what type of appeal you’re using. If it’s unclear, work on sharpening your message to target a specific one. This will help you leverage psychology to communicate your message and inspire action. 


        When it comes to picking a color for your sign, there are a few rules you can follow. First, keep contrasting colors in mind. This will be especially useful to keep your viewers attention and also have your sign seen from a distance. 

        If you need help choosing contrasting colors, grab (or Google) a color wheel. Find your first desired color on the wheel, and then find the color that’s directly opposite from it — that’s your contrasting color. 

        The second thing to keep in mind is that the color scheme should match your brand image. This continuity helps with brand recognition, another helpful concept for leveraging human psychology. 

        If you’re building a brand new business — or you’re in the process of rebranding — we suggest that you choose colors that match your industry or niche. People have been harnessing the power of color psychology for a long time now, so take a look around your industry. What colors are everybody else using? There’s probably a reason they’re using them, for example:

        • Red: You’ll notice that restaurants and fast food chains usually use the color red, because it stimulates hunger. It also creates passion, intensity, and indicates urgency, which is why you’ll see “SALE” signs most often displayed in the color red. 
        • Yellow: This color stimulates mental processes, implies clarity, and encourages cheerfulness. Yellow also has one of the longest wavelengths, making it one of the most psychologically compelling colors, which is why it’s great for grabbing attention. But use caution as too much yellow can also cause anxiety  (ex: “danger” signs).
        • Blue: In contrast to red, blue suppresses the appetite and stimulates calmness and serenity. It is most commonly associated with water and in Western society is often synonymous with the male gender. This color is also perceived as being trustworthy, which is why many financial institutions and hospitals often use this color. 

        The power of color psychology extends far beyond the above primary colors, so we suggest doing your research before you decide which colors you want to use for your sign, or your overall brand. 

        Design: Graphics & Text

        Aside from color, the other two things you’ll have within your signage are text and graphics. Text refers to any words you use on the sign, and graphics refer to the visual element/s of your sign (shapes, art or logos). With either of these, you want to always remember: Keep. It. Simple. 

        Microsoft’s 2015 ‘Attention Span’ report is famous for clocking the average human attention span at only eight seconds – that’s one second less than a goldfish!

        So what does that mean for your signage design? It means you should avoid overloading the viewer with too much text as they’ll become quickly overwhelmed and look right past it. You also don’t want to overdo it with the graphics as the human eye won’t know where to focus, which again, leads to overwhelm. 

        Some of the most effective and powerful signage has been the simplest. Think of the many Nike campaigns (Three words “Just do it” and a swoosh graphic).

        Or check out this Timex ad that emphasized their differentiation factor with a simplistic design: 

        Timex billboard photo source

        This billboard brings up our next point: White space. White space refers to the area of the creative that has no design or text in it. It’s important to include plenty of white space in your sign to improve readability and create separation between elements. While there is no perfect amount of white space, we recommend having at least 30-40% of your sign design devoted to it. 

        Bringing us back to text, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the psychological effects of font. There are many different opinions on which fonts are the best, but here are some tips that can help you choose the right one: 

        • Serif fonts are the most classic category of fonts. When you use a serif font in your designs, it tells your audience you’re a traditional company they can trust. For example, many banks use these types of fonts.
        • Sans serif fonts are more up-to-date and sophisticated than Serif fonts. These fonts are typically viewed as sleek and modern, which is why many Tech companies use them.
        • Script fonts are more elaborate and detailed than other font categories. Their uniqueness can elevate designs to a more elegant and sophisticated level. These fonts can also emulate a personal touch because they resemble handwriting but be careful as these fonts can sometimes be harder to read. Disney Land and Coca-Cola both use script fonts. 

        Pro Tip: Avoid using more than two different fonts in a single sign design. Otherwise, you risk your material looking unprofessional and ineffective.


        Not sure where to place your sign? Think first about your sign’s objective: What are you trying to get customers to do? 

        In general, placing your sign in a high traffic area, be it foot traffic or vehicle traffic, will increase your sign’s visibility. In fact, a well-placed sign can expose local consumers to your brand about 50 to 60 times per month.

        Looking to place a wayfinding sign? People typically look up and around when they’re lost, so placing your directional signage high up where everyone can see it is the best option. 

        Make sure to consider the lighting and any obstructions when deciding where to place your sign. Additionally, consider readability: One inch of letter height will be seen within a 10-feet distance. Ensure that the size of your sign and the text used can be easily seen at the distance from which you would like it to be visible.


        If you’re worried about cultural sensitivities and lack of inclusivity with your sign, it’s always a good idea to run your sign design past a few sets of eyes — especially people in different roles and backgrounds.

        As far as the psychology of a good, inoffensive sign goes, knowing your target audience is everything. You can avoid most potentially embarrassing faux pas by simply doing research on the demographic you want to reach. And, creating a buyer persona is a great place to start. Not only will this help you avoid any misunderstandings, but it will also help you refine your message to make your sign and marketing more compelling. 

        Are you looking for a signage partner to help you make a great impression? Let our team here at Impression Signs & Graphics help. Give us a call today at (651)328-6600. Our signage experts can talk you through concept, design, communication, installation and more.

        10 Quirky & Iconic Signs Across Minnesota 

        As a state rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, Minnesota boasts an impressive array of iconic signs that have become an integral part of the local landscape. From classic landmarks to quirky roadside attractions, we’ve put together a list of the ones we consider to be some of the most iconic and memorable signs across our state. Join us as we countdown to our favorite Minnesota sign, and hey, maybe you’ll find some inspiration for your own signage.

        10. Hi-Lo Diner Sign

        Photo cred: Devin Grimsrud

        Coming in at number 10 is the Hi-Lo Diner sign located in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis. This 1950’s-inspired design incorporates a clever restaurant logo with channel lettering and irresistible neon lighting. Oh, and did you know that the diner car itself is original? Yup! According to their website, the modular 1957 Fodero Diner traveled from Pennsylvania to Minnesota “to continue a great American tradition”. 

        9. Minnesota Entry Monument

        Photo cred: Google / Matt Gatlin

        This list just wouldn’t be complete without one of Minnesota’s many entry monuments on the list. This particular design is especially memorable, as it’s one of the biggest of the designs and what the MN Department of Transportation calls a “type 1” monument sign. They scale the size of entry signs according to the volume of traffic on the road. Now, that’s a smart approach to sign design, if you ask us!

        8. Nordic Lounge Longboat 

        Photo cred:

        With so much Scandinavian history in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, we’d be remiss not to include a creative usage of some good ol’ Viking imagery. The Nordic Lounge in Ulen really hit the nail on the head with their clever use of a Viking longboat, boasting arguably one of the best old neon signs in the state.

        7. Main Street Theater Sign

        Photo cred:

        Located in Sauk Center, this colorful yet classic art deco sign dates back to the 1930’s and 40’s. Its color scheme and design emulates pure nostalgia. Fun fact: The name of the theater is a direct reference to author Sinclair Lewis and his famous novel “Main Street.” We love a good literary reference.

        6. The Giant Keg 


        What better sign for a liquor store than a massive keg with channel letters spelling “LIQUOR” across it? Even if you lost your glasses, chances are you’d still be able to figure out what this store was selling. Travel to Beaver Bay to get a look at this bold, creative signage. 

        5. Chevy Sign


        Now that’s vintage! This iconic neon sign used to hang outside of a Chevrolet dealership, and while the dealership moved long ago, the signage hung around (get it?). This classic tribute to old neon now adorns an auto marine shop, and the owner reports that people frequently stop for photos. Head over to New York mills to get a closer look at this iconic sign, and maybe even snap a picture or two of your own.

        4. Ace Bar Sign

        Photo cred:

        If you hang around the St. Paul bar scene, chances are you’ve seen this gorgeous sign lighting up the inside of Dubliner Pub And Café. Why do they have this sign, you ask? Well, the pub used to be called The Ace Bar, an establishment that dated back to pre-Prohibition days. Ace Bar reopened in 1933 and was open until 1996 when it was closed, refurbished and renamed. The pub hung onto this important piece of history, and we’re glad they did.

        3. Swedish Coffee Pot 

        Photo: [Jack Steck, 07/24/2009]

        Did you know that Swedes love coffee? That’s reportedly why Lindstrom, a town established by Swedish immigrants in the 1850s, has a giant Swedish coffee pot as their water tower. Visitors can read the words “Välkommen till Lindström ” painted on the coffee pot, which means “Welcome to Lindstrom” in Swedish. The water tower is no longer in operation, but it stands tall as a testament to the town’s history.

        2. 1st Sign 

        Photo cred: CBD

        Glowing brightly from the apex of the St. Paul skyline is one of Minnesota’s most iconic signs ever: The “1st” sign. Since the 1930s, this sign has sat on top of the First National Bank Building, its neon red glow visible from all angles of the city. St. Paul residents often use the sign as a compass, and pilots have reported being able to see it from 100 miles away. (Now, that’s how you make an impression!)

        1. Grain Belt Beer Sign

        Photo cred

        And finally, the number one spot goes to a sign that every Minnesotan knows: The Grain Belt Beer Sign in Minneapolis. Built in 1941 by Minnesota Brewing, the Grain Belt Beer bottle cap sign is one of the largest freestanding neon signs in the region, with approximately 800 feet of exposed neon lighting. This sign is so beloved it even has its own Twitter account and is referenced in a song (“Party Pit” by The Hold Steady). This iconic sign has become an integral part of the city and river landscape. If you haven’t already seen it, keep your eyes peeled next time you drive by Nicollet Island.

        Ready to create your own iconic signage? 

        If this list of iconic Minnesota signage has you feeling creative, seize that inspiration and reach out to us at Impressions Signs and Graphics. Our experienced signage technicians can help you create your own iconic sign (and who knows maybe your business’s sign will be next to make a lasting impression on local Minnesota history). Contact us today to get started. 

        A Guide To Successful Signage For Your Franchise

        Impression Signs outfitted Goldfish Swim School with their latest franchise signage.

        When it comes to running a successful franchise, there are so many factors at play. But one critical element that can make or break a franchise’s success is, you guessed it, its use of signage. 

        High-quality signage serves as a powerful tool for brand reinforcement, customer visibility, and effective communication. By harnessing the power of great signage, a franchise can become a trusted enterprise that not only attracts customers but also drives growth across locations.

        The Importance of High-Quality Signage For Franchises

        There are many reasons why franchises should invest in high-quality signage, but there are a list of the more important ones.

        Pizza Karma - Impression Signs and Graphics - MN
        All the cool signage we helped with for the first Pizza Karma location!

        1. Visibility

        Appearance is everything, especially in business. High-quality signage is often powerful tool that enhances the attractiveness and visibility of franchises. Not only does it capture the attention of those who are already familiar with your brand, but it also introduces your business to people who might later become customers. 

        2. Effective Communication

        In addition to enhancing visibility, signage serves as a powerful communication tool for franchises. Signage can convey important messages, such as special offers, new product launches, operating hours, and of course, a business’s name. Whether it’s informational, directional, or digital your sign’s messaging should be easy to read and understand for maximum effectiveness.

        3. Brand Identity

        Brand Identity is created through the selection of design elements that are used consistently across locations. Building a strong brand identity is essential for the success of any franchise, and signage plays a vital role in that. High-quality signage can reinforce a brand’s identity and personality through font, logos, taglines, and brand colors. Whether it’s indoor signage, vehicle wraps, banners, or fixed outdoor signage, brand identity should always be the top priority in signage design to ensure a cohesive customer experience.

        4. Consistency 

        Speaking of cohesive: Franchisees usually operate under a shared brand, so maintaining consistency in signage across all franchise locations is crucial for brand recognition and customer trust. Having a signage strategy that’s consistent across locations ensures that customers can easily identify and associate the franchise with its products or services, regardless of the actual location. 

        5 Common Types Franchise Signage

        Franchises have a variety of sign options at their disposal that can convey messages, increase visibility, and attract customers. Below are some of the most common types of signs used:

        1. Monument Signs

        Monument signs are freestanding structures typically located at the entrance of a franchise’s property. They provide excellent street visibility and monumental stopping power. These signs are often made of durable materials like stone, concrete, or metal, and usually display the business’s name and address. 

        Engineering America, Braun Intertec, Agile Frameworks - Monument Sign

        Engineering America, Braun Intertec, Agile Frameworks – Monument Sign

        2. Cabinet Signs

        Cabinet signs are often mounted to the front of a building or above the entrance. They consist of an enclosed cabinet with a face panel where the franchise’s logo and messaging can be displayed. Both cost effective and versatile, these signs can be illuminated with various lighting options, such as fluorescent tubes, LED modules, or backlit graphics, ensuring 24/7 visibility.

        3. Channel Letter Signs

        Channel letter signs are three-dimensional signs and made up of individually fabricated letters or shapes, which can be illuminated or non-illuminated. Channel letters offer flexibility in design and can be customized to match the franchise’s branding, using materials like metal, acrylic, or plastic. 

        Bub’s Aussie Pies – Channel Letters Sign

        4. Vinyl Lettering/Vinyl Wrap

        Vinyl lettering refers to cut-out letters and designs made from adhesive vinyl material. These letters can be applied directly to windows, walls, or vehicles. Vinyl lettering is versatile and provides a clean and professional look, allowing franchises to display important information such as the franchise’s name, operating hours or contact details. 

        Bonfe – Custom Vehicle Wrap

        5. Wall Graphics 

        Wall graphics are large-scale, custom-designed graphics that transform and elevate the appearance of any room. These adhesive graphics often feature vibrant colors, intricate designs and other branded imagery that communicates brand identity. Want some inspiration for how wall graphics can be used in your franchise? Check out our work with the franchise Pizza Karma

        Pizza Karma – Wall Graphics/Wall Mural

        How To Design Effective Franchise Signage

        Designing effective franchise signage is easy with the help of a trusted signage vendor like our team at Impression Signs and Graphics. Still, it requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure it aligns with your brand’s identity, captures attention, and communicates the intended message. 

        Here are some key tips for designing impactful franchise signage:

        • Understand your brand’s identity and target audience. This knowledge will help create signage that reflects the brand or franchise’s personality and resonate with its customers.
        • Maintain consistency with your design by following the brand’s established guidelines for fonts, colors, logos, and imagery.
        • Keep messaging and logos simple and easy to read. Avoid clutter and use clear and concise content. 
        • Leverage visual hierarchy to guide the viewer’s attention and highlight key information.
        • Consider the environment around the sign, including lighting and visibility. If signage will be viewed in low-light conditions, incorporate illumination features. 

        Signage Placement & Visibility 

        Did you know that a well-placed sign can expose local consumers to your brand about 50 to 60 times per month? It’s true! That’s why you want to make sure you’re covering all your bases when it comes to placing signage in and around your franchise location. 

        Storefront: Signage placed at the storefront should create a strong first impression, as this is usually where your business name will be displayed. Storefront signage will attract the most foot traffic, so be sure your sign entices customers with a bold design and a clear message.

        In-Store: Strategic placement of signage within the store can lead to a better customer experience and even more sales. In-store signage is usually informational or directional, guiding customers and enhancing their interactions with your products and services. In-store signage also plays a key role in reinforcing the franchise’s brand identity through message repetition. 

        Outdoor Signage: Street or curb signage placed in high-visibility areas can capture attention from a distance. Great examples of outdoor signage that can attract commuters or people passing by are monument signs, banners, a-frames, and yard/site signs. 

        Maintaining and Updating Franchise Signage

        Once you have your franchise signage designed and installed, you’ll want to keep it looking its best. It’s often nice to regularly schedule time to check and clean your signage to keep it clear of debris and dirt, especially after major weather events. 

        Additionally, franchises often change and rebrand as they grow in size and popularity. If your franchise changes logos or brand colors, make sure your signage changes too. Reach out to your trusted signage vendor and have them help you make the transition. 

        Ready to Make an Impression With Your Franchise Signage?

        When it comes to designing your franchise’s signage, a professional signage vendor will be able to help you get the best results. At Impression Signs and Graphics, we’ve helped numerous franchises design bold, effective signage that helps establish consistency and brand image across franchise locations. Feel free to contact us today to discuss a partnership to help make things easier for all of your franchise’s marketing and signage needs.

        Inspire Your Audience with These 15 Digital Signage Trends 

        Digital signage has become an increasingly popular medium for businesses and organizations to communicate with and attract audiences. And as technology advances, so do the possibilities for creating visually stunning and engaging digital displays that captivate customers.  

        From creative uses for digital signage in the office, to stunning outdoor displays, there are a variety of exciting trends in the world of digital signage. Discover inspiration for your own digital marketing and signage with the latest developments, innovations and ideas listed below (you’ve gotta makes sure you check out #15 it’s absolutely incredible).

        Current trending digital signage ideas:

        1. Social Walls

        Social walls are digital displays that showcase live social media content, such as TikToks, Instagram posts, or Facebook posts. To display relevant content, for example, you could calibrate your social wall so that any post using a certain hashtag, like your company’s name appears on screen. Social walls are a great way to engage audiences, entertain clients, and showcase your social media following and engagement with your products.

        Photo Source

        2. Calendars, Appointments and Schedules

        Digital signage displays can be used to display calendars, appointments and schedules allowing visitors and employees to easily view upcoming events and activities. Great uses of this type of digital signage trend would be in medical waiting rooms, conference rooms, and even trade shows.

        Photo source

        3. Employee Spotlights/Team Photos

        Signage does have to be informational but it can be inspirational too! Digital signage in the workplace can highlight the employee of the month, or display slideshows of team photos, which can have a positive impact on workplace culture. And studies show, a positive workplace culture can correlate with increased productivity and revenue

        4. News and RSS Feeds

        These days, it seems like big news comes at us fast. Staying abreast on the latest news is critical for corporations that want to be able to shift and adapt at a moment’s notice. Consider adding a digital signage display to your corporate office to showcase news and RSS feeds. This type of signage can help keep employees up to date on the latest developments in the industry and the world, as well as providing “infotainment” for visitors.

        5. Client Testimonials 

        There’s nothing more powerful than free advertising from a satisfied customer turned brand ambassador. Many companies are now using their digital signage displays to showcase user-generated content like testimonials from customers in which they either praise or showcase your product. These testimonials work great in waiting rooms or lobbies where they can help build trust with potential customers.

        6. Virtual Maps With Real Time Updates

        The transportation industry has pioneered the movement of using digital signage displays to display virtual maps with real-time updates, making it easier for public transportation users to plan their travels, as well as to provide accurate expectations of wait times. These digital maps can also be useful for visitors navigating a large facility or campus.

        7. Classroom Signage

        The days of struggling to scribble and then wipe away information on a whiteboard or chalkboard are over. Digital signage can easily be programmed to display any important information teachers need their students to focus on (and this information can be changed at a moment’s notice). Anything from class schedules, upcoming exams, or class announcements can be displayed on classroom digital signage.

        8. Self Service Kiosks 

        Digital signage can be used as informational technology that interacts with users, also known as self-service kiosks. You may have seen such kiosks in your local museums, delineating further information to patrons about the artistic, historical, or scientific displays. 

        9. Video Walls 

        Video walls are large-scale digital displays that create a stunning visual impact. The Vienna Airport features one such wall as a part of The Fashion Gallery’s marketing signage. Not only is this digital signage attention grabbing, but it also features dynamic content that mirrors activity within the store and takes viewers on a trip through Vienna. Now that’s some marketing genius! 

        Photo Source

        10. Interactive Ads

        The more creative you can be with your signage, the more eye-catching it’ll be. What’s more eye-catching than a sign that interacts with its surrounding environment? That’s what hair care-retailer Apolosophy’s motive was when creating their ingenious signage in a subway station. When the train would rush by, the sign’s ultrasonic sensors would be triggered, and the model’s hair would suddenly look as if it was being blown back by the rush of air from the train. Pretty creative!

        Video Clip Source

        11. Moody Digital Signage

        Airport digital signage has really evolved in the past decade. Instead of simple product advertising, many airports are using digital displays to add to the aesthetic or to create a calming environment. The digital signage at the Helsinki airport is a great example of this and we think there’s great potential for similar signage in retail and restaurant spaces as well.

        Photo Source

        12.  Large Scale Reactive Media

        What if you took an LED video wall and put it all along your location, so your displays were visible on multiple walls? That’s what Terrell Place in Washington D.C. did. They installed large-scale reactive signage on their main lobby walls and corridors to create an immersive experience for guests. The visuals also change as visitors move through the building. 

        Photo Source

        13. Digital Canopies

        In large buildings or areas, walking from one end to the other can feel like a hassle or a chore. However, if you could enhance the walkway with a digital canopy, you can turn a chore into an exciting and memorable experience for your visitors. A larger-than-life example of this would be Las Vegas’s Viva Vision canopy. This digital canopy is the largest and most high-tech screen in the world that regularly features engaging visuals that entice new visitors each year!

        Photo Source

        14. Robotic Billboards

        Companies around the world are harnessing the power of digital signage to create public works of art that also function as marketing material. Just take Coca-Cola’s giant robotic billboard in New York City: this massive digital sign took their old 3D billboard, that was stunning in and of itself, to the next level. It featured 1,715 moving and 245 static LED cubes, with a visual footprint of 240 square meters to showcase synchronized content that presented viewers with an ever-changing, dynamic display.

        Video Clip Source

        15. Living Art Signage

        Forget run-of-the-mill advertising, create an artful experience — one that people will flock to see with your digital signage. That’s what teamLabs Borderless did with their mind-blowing digital art exhibits in major cities around the globe. These exhibits feature moving landscapes and interactive art pieces that are visually stunning and captivate thousands of visitors every year. Different rooms display various themes, like falling flowers, huge aquatic creatures, and glittering forests of neon lights that change as patrons walk through the room. 

        Feeling a little inspired? Let’s help you make an Impression! 

        If you’re looking for high-quality, innovative digital signage solutions, look no further than Impression Signs and Graphics. With our years of experience and commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry, we can help you create the perfect digital display that will captivate all your customers and prospects. 

        Whether you’re looking to update your branding, improve your customer engagement, or simply stay ahead of the competition, Impression Signs and Graphics can help. Contact us today to learn more about our digital signage options and take the first step towards creating a visually stunning and effective display that will help you stand out from the crowd!

        Paint Jobs vs. Vehicle Wraps: Which is Right for Fleet or Vehicle?

        Here at Impression Signs and Graphics we have a long history of successful design and application of vinyl vehicle wraps and graphics for company fleets. And, with that history comes a lot of questions, like whether or not clients should wrap their vehicles or get a paint job. So, if you’re here because you’re wondering the same thing, let’s jump in and break down all the pros and cons of each to help you make a decision that’s right for you.

        Aesthetic Appeal:

        When it comes to your company fleet, your vehicles are a representation of your business. If your company vehicles are dented, scratched, faded, or warped, customers are going to see that as an indication of your company’s professionalism and effectiveness. So, to make sure you’re making the best impression on your customers, you need those vehicles looking their best


        Paint jobs offer a smooth and seamless finish, giving your vehicles a polished and professional look. If you have a fleet of older vehicles that have a number of dents and scratches, a new paint job can make an older vehicle look as good as new! 

        However, if you wanted your company logo painted onto the side of your company vehicles, your design options are limited with paint. Depending on the intricacy of your logo, you would likely need to find a very skilled professional to get it just right. For company vehicle signage, a professional paint job would likely take a lot of time and money (more on that later.) Paint is also difficult to change or update, making it the less versatile option.

        Vinyl Wrap: 

        On the other hand, vehicle wraps offer endless design possibilities and can be customized to match your branding and messaging. With a vinyl wrap, decals are custom fit to cover parts of the auto body to transform the vehicle’s appearance. If properly maintained, vinyl vehicle graphics don’t typically alter or harm the original paint, and they can be removed any time to revert back to the original color. 

        Because vehicle wraps can be easily changed or updated, you can also keep your advertising fresh and relevant as your company grows and changes. Look for a signage company with a wide variety of options available, from full to partial wraps and vehicle graphics for cars, to changeable banner graphic systems for trucks and semis.

        The only downside to vinyl wrap is that, if your fleet is older and sporting more dents, scratches or rust, these imperfections will hinder the wrap’s ability to adhere to the vehicle’s surface. This means that some extra preparation may be necessary to take care of any aesthetic issues before wrapping.


        Cost is a huge factor when deciding between paint and car wraps for a fleet of company vehicles. You want to make sure you choose the option that’s right for you so you can get the most out of your investment. 


        Custom paint jobs can range anywhere from $600 for a low quality paint job for a single vehicle, to $6,000 for a high quality paint job. While you can certainly get away with going for a lower-quality paint job, remember, you want your investment to last for years to come. A low-quality paint job can begin to show wear within the same year.

        Vinyl Wrap: 

        Professional vehicle wrap costs can vary depending on which sign shop you use, the quality of the vinyl, and the size of the vehicle. But, it can often fall within the range of $2,000 to $6,000, putting vehicle wraps on par with a mid-to high quality paint job in terms of cost. 
        But the cost is more than worth it. If properly taken care of, vehicle wraps can often last for many years. At Impression Signs and Graphics, we also do everything we can to make it easy for businesses of all sizes to invest in effective advertising. If clients aren’t quite ready to invest that much, we also offer cut vinyl graphics that can be placed in specific parts of the vehicle like the door or back window.


        Another factor to consider is the time it takes to complete a paint job or a wrap. Some companies have larger windows of time in which they can work in and some are more deadline-oriented.


        Between the two options, paint jobs definitely take longer to complete. Paint jobs can take up to two weeks, especially if you want a custom design or a high-quality finish. This is because a paint job also requires prep time, which includes sanding, primer, and curing. 

        Vinyl Wrap: 

        Vehicle wraps, on the other hand, can be completed in a fraction of the time — in most cases, just a few days. Compared to paint jobs, minimal prep work needs to be done before a wrapping appointment. At Impression Signs and Graphics, our experienced designers and installers work efficiently to minimize the amount of time your vehicles are off the road. This means you can start reaching new customers with your vehicle displays sooner.


        Finally, when it comes to durability, both paint jobs and vehicle wraps need to be cared for and maintained in order to continue looking their best. Both can be considered long-lasting options for your company fleet, and both also come with specific considerations. 


        Paint jobs can chip, fade, or scratch over time, requiring touch-ups or repainting. To keep your paint job looking its best, you would need to invest in waxing and detailing over time. If you properly care for your paint job, it can last decades. 

        Vinyl Wrap: 

        Vehicle wraps, on the other hand, are easy to maintain and don’t require waxing or detailing. Depending on how well your fleet wrap is cared for, it can typically last up to 10 years. While vinyl wraps aren’t always as durable as paint, that’s not always a major concern since companies will often want to update their logo and branding before those 10 years are up anyway.

        To get the most out of your vinyl wrap investment you’ll want to make sure your fleet is properly cleaned and cared for. A few quick tips: Avoid parking vehicles in direct sunlight for extended periods of time, as this may fade or warp the decals. And, have your vehicles professionally cleaned as opposed to running them through an automatic car wash, as the latter can potentially tear the vinyl or use products that may be too harsh.

        Choose Impression Signs for Your Company Fleet Wraps

        When it comes to vehicle and fleet advertising, both paint jobs and vehicle wraps have their advantages and disadvantages. When making your decision, you’ll want to pick an option that’s right for you, with the lasting results you need. For most businesses, vinyl wraps make the most sense. They offer a great combination of affordability, customization, and durability, not to mention the fastest turn around times. 

        When you work with us here at Impression Signs and Graphics our team will work closely with your business to effectively understand your brand, budget and vehicle model. From there we’ll help you create custom vehicle graphics that best represent and promote your business to the world. Contact us today to learn more about all our vehicle wrap and graphics options.