Paint Jobs vs. Vehicle Wraps: Which is Right for Fleet or Vehicle?

Here at Impression Signs and Graphics we have a long history of successful design and application of vinyl vehicle wraps and graphics for company fleets. And, with that history comes a lot of questions, like whether or not clients should wrap their vehicles or get a paint job. So, if you’re here because you’re wondering the same thing, let’s jump in and break down all the pros and cons of each to help you make a decision that’s right for you.

Aesthetic Appeal:

When it comes to your company fleet, your vehicles are a representation of your business. If your company vehicles are dented, scratched, faded, or warped, customers are going to see that as an indication of your company’s professionalism and effectiveness. So, to make sure you’re making the best impression on your customers, you need those vehicles looking their best


Paint jobs offer a smooth and seamless finish, giving your vehicles a polished and professional look. If you have a fleet of older vehicles that have a number of dents and scratches, a new paint job can make an older vehicle look as good as new! 

However, if you wanted your company logo painted onto the side of your company vehicles, your design options are limited with paint. Depending on the intricacy of your logo, you would likely need to find a very skilled professional to get it just right. For company vehicle signage, a professional paint job would likely take a lot of time and money (more on that later.) Paint is also difficult to change or update, making it the less versatile option.

Vinyl Wrap: 

On the other hand, vehicle wraps offer endless design possibilities and can be customized to match your branding and messaging. With a vinyl wrap, decals are custom fit to cover parts of the auto body to transform the vehicle’s appearance. If properly maintained, vinyl vehicle graphics don’t typically alter or harm the original paint, and they can be removed any time to revert back to the original color. 

Because vehicle wraps can be easily changed or updated, you can also keep your advertising fresh and relevant as your company grows and changes. Look for a signage company with a wide variety of options available, from full to partial wraps and vehicle graphics for cars, to changeable banner graphic systems for trucks and semis.

The only downside to vinyl wrap is that, if your fleet is older and sporting more dents, scratches or rust, these imperfections will hinder the wrap’s ability to adhere to the vehicle’s surface. This means that some extra preparation may be necessary to take care of any aesthetic issues before wrapping.


Cost is a huge factor when deciding between paint and car wraps for a fleet of company vehicles. You want to make sure you choose the option that’s right for you so you can get the most out of your investment. 


Custom paint jobs can range anywhere from $600 for a low quality paint job for a single vehicle, to $6,000 for a high quality paint job. While you can certainly get away with going for a lower-quality paint job, remember, you want your investment to last for years to come. A low-quality paint job can begin to show wear within the same year.

Vinyl Wrap: 

Professional vehicle wrap costs can vary depending on which sign shop you use, the quality of the vinyl, and the size of the vehicle. But, it can often fall within the range of $2,000 to $6,000, putting vehicle wraps on par with a mid-to high quality paint job in terms of cost. 
But the cost is more than worth it. If properly taken care of, vehicle wraps can often last for many years. At Impression Signs and Graphics, we also do everything we can to make it easy for businesses of all sizes to invest in effective advertising. If clients aren’t quite ready to invest that much, we also offer cut vinyl graphics that can be placed in specific parts of the vehicle like the door or back window.


Another factor to consider is the time it takes to complete a paint job or a wrap. Some companies have larger windows of time in which they can work in and some are more deadline-oriented.


Between the two options, paint jobs definitely take longer to complete. Paint jobs can take up to two weeks, especially if you want a custom design or a high-quality finish. This is because a paint job also requires prep time, which includes sanding, primer, and curing. 

Vinyl Wrap: 

Vehicle wraps, on the other hand, can be completed in a fraction of the time — in most cases, just a few days. Compared to paint jobs, minimal prep work needs to be done before a wrapping appointment. At Impression Signs and Graphics, our experienced designers and installers work efficiently to minimize the amount of time your vehicles are off the road. This means you can start reaching new customers with your vehicle displays sooner.


Finally, when it comes to durability, both paint jobs and vehicle wraps need to be cared for and maintained in order to continue looking their best. Both can be considered long-lasting options for your company fleet, and both also come with specific considerations. 


Paint jobs can chip, fade, or scratch over time, requiring touch-ups or repainting. To keep your paint job looking its best, you would need to invest in waxing and detailing over time. If you properly care for your paint job, it can last decades. 

Vinyl Wrap: 

Vehicle wraps, on the other hand, are easy to maintain and don’t require waxing or detailing. Depending on how well your fleet wrap is cared for, it can typically last up to 10 years. While vinyl wraps aren’t always as durable as paint, that’s not always a major concern since companies will often want to update their logo and branding before those 10 years are up anyway.

To get the most out of your vinyl wrap investment you’ll want to make sure your fleet is properly cleaned and cared for. A few quick tips: Avoid parking vehicles in direct sunlight for extended periods of time, as this may fade or warp the decals. And, have your vehicles professionally cleaned as opposed to running them through an automatic car wash, as the latter can potentially tear the vinyl or use products that may be too harsh.

Choose Impression Signs for Your Company Fleet Wraps

When it comes to vehicle and fleet advertising, both paint jobs and vehicle wraps have their advantages and disadvantages. When making your decision, you’ll want to pick an option that’s right for you, with the lasting results you need. For most businesses, vinyl wraps make the most sense. They offer a great combination of affordability, customization, and durability, not to mention the fastest turn around times. 

When you work with us here at Impression Signs and Graphics our team will work closely with your business to effectively understand your brand, budget and vehicle model. From there we’ll help you create custom vehicle graphics that best represent and promote your business to the world. Contact us today to learn more about all our vehicle wrap and graphics options.