Transform Your Business – Discover 9 Reasons Why You Should Take Advantage of Digital Signage 

Much more than an advertising tool, digital signage can be a powerful platform for brand building, connecting with customers, and boosting revenue. 

Businesses everywhere are recognizing the many benefits of digital signage, and they’re increasing their investment in it. In 2022, the Digital Signage Market was valued at $21.9 Billion and by 2030, that number is forecasted to double!

Take a look at all the benefits you can unlock with this type of signage and see if a digital sign makes sense for your business.

The Top 9 Benefits of Digital Signage:

1. Easily Updated Messaging

The most important benefit of digital signage is its flexibility. Digital signs can display text, images, videos, social media posts, news, weather forecasts, and much more. Additionally, this content can be easily changed via remote access. That means your message to prospects and customers can always be timely and relevant whether you’re boosting a new product or service, responding to current events, or promoting a new sale.

2. Attention Grabbing Graphics

Getting customers to pay attention to you amongst the noise of other businesses and ads can be a daunting task. But, research shows that digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays. This difference is likely due to the human eye being naturally drawn to movement and digital signs often display text and images that move across the screen. The flexible design of digital signs also allows graphics and text to be changed regularly, which keep people interested even if they’ve seen the sign before. 

3. Naturally Memorable

Not only do digital displays capture more views with their eye-catching graphics, they also boast an increased retention rate of 83%. The high recall rate of this kind of signage makes it perfect for promoting products and services. Remember, whether or not your prospects can see your sign is certainly important—but whether or not they can remember your sign could be the difference between them choosing you over a competitor. 

4. Increased Brand Trust 

Any signage will increase people’s trust in your brand, but a high quality digital sign signals to customers that your business is willing to invest in itself, which in turn makes them more likely to “invest” in you by purchasing your products. Additionally, the flexibility of digital signage allows business owners to easily incorporate their brand’s exact colors, fonts, and logos into the sign with just a few clicks. This helps reinforce your brand and contributes to an overall sense of brand trust.

5. Improved Customer Satisfaction

Did you know that indoor digital signage can actually improve your customer’s experience? Digital signs in waiting rooms and lobbies can increase customer satisfaction, and the reason is pretty simple: occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time. Not only that, but indoor digital signage can also influence customers at the point of purchase, making upselling products a breeze. 

6. Accelerated Internal Communication

Your digital signage can also function to keep your staff abreast of any changes, notices, or special announcements (including special employee achievements, awards or birthdays). This is especially important if you have a franchise with multiple locations, as it will help keep all employees informed and on the same page. 

7. Cost Effective

While you still need the initial capital to invest in this type of signage, it’s an investment that pays for itself quickly. Not only does digital signage increase revenue (more on that below), but it also boasts extremely low maintenance costs with easy updates and fixes. Additionally, if you ever change your brand’s design, colors, logos, or even your company name, you won’t have to worry about getting a new sign to reflect those changes. 

8. More Eco-Friendly than Traditional Signage

The flexible messaging capabilities of digital signs eliminates the need to print flyers, brochures, newsletters, signs, and other informational materials. This reduces paper waste, operating costs, and your business’s overall carbon footprint. Plus, no manpower is needed to change out the sign’s messaging, which results in improved productivity and savings. All of this adds and makes digital signage the more environmentally-friendly signage option. 

9. Effortless Revenue Booster

When it comes to boosting revenue with signage, it’s all about strategy: digital signage that displays targeted messages and offers at high-traffic sites throughout the store or along a busy road can actually encourage customers to make impulse purchases. Digital signage is also known to influence customers’ purchase decisions at the point of sale (POS), where 82% of buying decisions are made, making these type of signs a great return on investment.

Want To See What Digital Signage Can Do For Your Business?  

If you want to experience the benefits of digital signage for yourself, let us help you give you a hand. Here at Impression Signs and Graphics we can help you decide on the perfect type of signage for your business as well as manage all the design, fabrication, and installation of your digital signs. Give us a call at 651-328-6600 or email us to get started.