Maximizing Impact & Longevity of Outdoor Signage

At Impression Signs we pride ourselves in building quality custom signage that captures our clients’ visions and meets their unique needs. We also understand the importance of attention to detail from conception to completion and throughout a sign’s life. In this post, we’ll walk you through the life cycle of one of our products–the outdoor sign.

Before you order an outdoor sign, here are some important questions to ask so you can walk away with the perfect sign for your situation. 

  • What is the purpose of my outdoor sign?
  • How long do I plan to keep my outdoor sign up? 
  • Whose attention am I trying to attract with my outdoor sign? 
  • What kinds of weather will my outdoor sign be exposed to?
  • Is it important to me to be able to move my outdoor sign around? 
  • Do I plan to take my outdoor sign down, store it, and put it back up later?

Now, with these answers in mind, let’s dive into some outdoor sign options.

Choosing the outdoor sign that’s right for you

When you think of outdoor signs, what do you think of? More than likely, you picture a corrugated plastic sign with thin metal stakes that stick into the ground. They’re inexpensive and easy to customize in whatever shape and colors you envision. These signs are lightweight, water-resistant, and easy to install and move around outdoors. With proper care, coroplast (corrugated + plastic) signs can possibly last 1-2 years, weather-dependent, of course. Coroplast signs commonly advertise political candidates, causes, rummage and estate sales, “For Rent” opportunities, neighborhood services, and even newly opened businesses. 

Aluminum yard signs are also a popular choice. For example, real estate signs are often designed on aluminum panels adjoined to metal stakes, making them easy to install and remove. Aluminum signs are lightweight and long-lasting. In fact, with proper care, they can last 3-5 years. They’re not prone to rust and they’re waterproof. Just like coroplast signs, aluminum signs can also be cut into any shape. 

For people looking for an outdoor sign that’s more durable or longer lasting, a site sign is another great option. Site signs are beefier than traditional yard signs and have posts that can be dug into the ground and backfilled. These semi-permanent signs are also known as “post and panel” signs and are an excellent choice for more long-term needs. You generally see site signs on construction sites and in front of buildings or land “For Lease, ” apartment and townhome complexes, office parks or businesses.

Although they’re not secured to the ground by stakes or posts, A-frame sandwich board signs are another sub-category of outdoor signage. You’ll usually find sandwich board or A-frame signage on sidewalks outside of shops or restaurants, luring in passersby with current sales or special offers. And, because they sit on top of the ground and fold flat they’re easy to move around and store.

Directional signs are yet another type of outdoor sign, commonly spotted at special events. Typically made from PVC or coroplast, these signs help guests navigate music festival grounds, find stations at golf outings or fairs and help show people where to park or find things at outdoor events. Directional signage usually has arrows on them or can be cut into the shape of one.

Vinyl banners displayed between posts in the ground is also an effective way to communicate your message outdoors. Banners are also easy to clean, roll up, store and a great affordable option for budget-conscious consumers.

At this point, hopefully you have a good idea of what kind of outdoor sign is right for you in order to drive the greatest impact. If not that’s ok too. We’ve compiled more helpful tips that might help you make a decision and think about its design.

Outdoor signage tips:

  • Keep your message clear and straightforward. 
  • Choose large fonts and bold or high-contrast colors to ensure visibility. 
  • Choose a material durable enough to withstand the length of time it needs to be up and exposed to the elements.
  • Make sure your outdoor sign is legible enough from where your audience will view it. If you’re trying to attract the attention of people driving by, choose a larger font and fewer words to make sure your sign can be read from a greater distance and in a shorter period of time. If you’re trying to attract pedestrians, feel free to use a smaller font and a few more words. Maybe you even write something funny or witty to make your sign more memorable.

Outdoor signage maintenance tips:

You can choose the perfect outdoor sign for your situation and design it thoughtfully but if you neglect proper maintenance you won’t get as great of longevity out of your investment. Here are some pro tips to keep in mind after you purchase an outdoor sign.

  • Wipe down your sign regularly to maintain its bold, bright, and eye-catching appearance and scrub off any stains with soap and water.
  • If your sign can be removed, store it in a cool, dry place when not in use to help prevent fading, cracking or warping.
  • Repair any damage right away before it can get worse. This can extend the life of your sign and delay future replacements. If you can’t repair the damage yourself, reach out to signage professionals.

Recycle or upcycle old outdoor signs

On occasion, signs can be damaged beyond repair. This can happen from gusty winds, hail, snowplows or other outside forces. A sign may also reach the end of its life when it has fulfilled its purpose and is no longer needed. Instead of tossing it into your garbage, you can sometimes disassemble and recycle some plastic and metal signs. If you’re unsure if it can be recycled check with your local municipality or sign shop to confirm first.

Some old signs can also be upcycled, by using them as protective backdrops while spray painting or making makeshift tables between sawhorses if needed for small house projects. If you have creative ways you’ve upcycled your old outdoor signs we’d love to hear ‘em.

And, next time you’re in the market for an outdoor sign, we’d love to help. Consider Impression Signs and Graphics a reliable, experienced and friendly go-to for all your outdoor sign solutions. Contact us today to get started.

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