Your Customers Need a Sign

Billboard sign, Impression Signs - Oakdale, MN

When it comes to services, it can be hard to know where to go or who to turn to.

Point consumers in the right direction by making sure you have:

  • Amazing reviews online (you know you’re great but it’s much stronger when you can tell others you’re great through your customers).
  • Advertisements! Be on Google Adwords but don’t be afraid to spend a little bit of money making sure your vehicle is well identified and eye-catching as well as sending out printed mailers.

While word-of mouth referrals are best and often our favorites. You’ll have to get yourself out there to begin getting those.

Make sure you tell your consumers through any means above why we should use you. It could be in the form of a catchy catchphrase, or just a cutline below your name that says straight-forward what you do.

And while plain, clean and simple can be great, don’t forget to try to stand out. When you think about successful big brands you already know, they’re consistently working hard to not only stand out but stay in front of you (billboard ads, promotions, ads in-store, sales, ads to your home) they’re always trying to be top of mind and tell you why they’re the right choice.

A big name brand with a big billboard (that we got to help one of our clients with).

PRO TIP:  When it comes to design, let a professional handle it. You can always come back from cheap ad mailers. No one is going to remember how heavy or flimsy the paper it was printed on was but they will remember how professional or not a logo or ad looked.

We often assume potential clients already know about us, how our service is, what all we do.  But in actual reality, we’re lucky if they even have heard of our names let alone all the services we offer. You’re the expert on you, show them that; get the word out.

A local company that tells us what they do & makes sure you’re aware they offer free estimates.

The best part? Once they’ve hired you and paid you for the job, and everything went great, it’s almost like they paid YOU to leave a great review! It’s the marketing gift that keeps on giving.

Yay! Free Reviews!

So point them in right direction, tell them who you are and show them why you’re so great. Believe us, it works but they need YOU to tell them.


Written by: Impression Signs & Graphics — Oakdale, MN